Monday, August 19, 2019

Teaching in Centers- Part 2: Math

In the first series of this 2 part blog, I talked about teaching phonics in small groups!

Now, lets talk about math!

For math, we utilize Eureka (or Engage NY) math. I started teaching in centers about half way through my first year using this curriculum. I found this curriculum to be so heavy language based and abstract that often times I was teaching to the middle of the road or over scaffolding. My strugglers were being left in the dust and my high achievers were bored!

I have three stations set up in my classroom:

-Meet the Teacher
-Problem Set Practice

Meet the Teacher

During meet the teacher, I am meeting with a group on the rug. I usually begin with my lower or middle group. During this time they are learning the new concept of the day. We are able to use white boards and manipulatives (without causing too much headache for me prepping it all!)

It is seriously 10000 times easier to prep for 6-8 students than it is for 17-25! 

Problem set practice

Pretty self explanatory, but they are working on the problem set. This is slightly complicated because the group that starts here is working on the previous days problem set. Because of this, this group is my high group. It took some time, after a month or so, all I need to do is write the page on this small white board and they are able to get right to it!


This is where we are practicing math fact fluency or using ipads/ChromeBooks. For fluency, I like to keep it to games! I believe that learning should be fun. My favorites are no prep games! To keep it more fun for the kiddo's I love seasonal games.

(You can grab this growing bundle of games by clicking on the picture!) 

Happy Teaching!! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Teaching in Centers - Part 1

Hi there!!

I wanted to jump on here and talk about what happens in my first grade classroom in terms of instruction and share some resources with you!

So, my classroom is the inclusion classroom in first grade. This means there is quite a big range of needs and abilities. It also means I have a full time paraprofessional (I know I'm lucky!) and there is also a variety of push in support throughout the day. In order to utilize this help in the most meaningful way without any adults having to watch me teach whole group.

For phonics and math instruction, I utilize small group instruction. By doing this I feel as though I am utilizing our time much more wisely, meeting the needs of all students (both high, middle, and low), and the other adults in the room feel helpful and needed!

This blog is going to focus on phonics and part two of this will jump into math!

First, let's talk phonics! 

During phonics on Monday, Thursdays, and Fridays, I have about an hour (sometimes longer for phonics- YAY!) I have 4 stations set up in my classroom:

-Trick Word Practice
-Word Work
-Meet the Teacher 

I keep the above slideshow that contains the groups and a timer! I keep the centers to about 10-12 minutes.


During fluency they are spending a lot of time reading decodable texts, practicing tapping out words, etc. Basically, ANYTHING to get them reading words!

Trick Word Practice 

Trick word practice is where things have gotten much more exciting with STUDENT CHOICE! I am SO excited about this!

During this time we are utilizing MANY different activities all of their choice which makes it ten times more engaging for them! 

One activity that I keep is "a weekly game". For this choice, I am utilizing my editable word work pack.

Now, if you are part of my newsletter subscription (if not be sure to sign up) below! You will be receiving a newsletter only freebie on April 1st! This freebie is what I keep in my "Sentence Writing" drawer in my trick word center! 

Word Work 

During word work, I love to use a mix of games and word building. I love to keep learning fun and hands on. Some of these activities require a bit more prep, but once they're made its done! I've had some of my favorite word work activities since my first year teaching! 

Meet The Teacher 

At this point, we are simply working on our Fundations! BUT, I am able to really differentiate based on what they need. I can either push, teach the lesson as is, or review/support based on what they need! I have gotten to know their skills and abilities in phonics so much more this way! 

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter so you can have access to newsletter exclusive freebies! 

Happy Teaching! 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

SO Many Exciting Things!

New name... who dis? 

No, its the same me! As I was trying to expand and market, I realized that "Miss Emily Rose" did not give an indication of who I really was on my instagram or my TPT store, so I thought long and hard and came up with this new name! I feel like it fits me SO SO much more! I am in fact 6ft tall and my whole life I was "that tall girl". Now, even as a teacher, sometimes I hear from kids that don't know me refer to me as "That Tall Teacher" so... its time to own it! 

Now, for way more exciting things that you came here for! I wanted to share a few new products and a FREEBIE. Yep, only for those of you that are visiting my blog. 

SO, my new favorite product is a growing bundle! The best part is, it is all no prep! My other favorite part, it is thematic for each month of the year. Currently, the bundle only contains January and March (meaning it is the cheapest you can ever get it right now).  They are designed for first graders in mind, but they could work for a challenge for your higher kinders or review for second graders! Click ANY of the photos to head directly to the bundle in my store! 

All of the games are and will be designed so your firsties will only need dice or a paper clip! 

Some may even require both! These are great for sub plans because they keep engagement high and they're easy for you and the sub! 

Some of the games are designed for partner play! 

They have been firstie tested AND approved! 

Another fun, new product in my store is a FREEBIE! I love mixing up my phonics with some thematic practice to keep my firsties engaged! 

This is fun for a pocket chart center or just a matching game on the rug or table! 

NOW, for you blog only freebie! Here's a preview of a product in the works and you get a sneak peak. 

In the future, this will include nk words, AND many more activities!