Now, lets talk about math!
For math, we utilize Eureka (or Engage NY) math. I started teaching in centers about half way through my first year using this curriculum. I found this curriculum to be so heavy language based and abstract that often times I was teaching to the middle of the road or over scaffolding. My strugglers were being left in the dust and my high achievers were bored!
I have three stations set up in my classroom:
-Meet the Teacher
-Problem Set Practice
Meet the Teacher
During meet the teacher, I am meeting with a group on the rug. I usually begin with my lower or middle group. During this time they are learning the new concept of the day. We are able to use white boards and manipulatives (without causing too much headache for me prepping it all!)
It is seriously 10000 times easier to prep for 6-8 students than it is for 17-25!
Problem set practice
Pretty self explanatory, but they are working on the problem set. This is slightly complicated because the group that starts here is working on the previous days problem set. Because of this, this group is my high group. It took some time, after a month or so, all I need to do is write the page on this small white board and they are able to get right to it!
This is where we are practicing math fact fluency or using ipads/ChromeBooks. For fluency, I like to keep it to games! I believe that learning should be fun. My favorites are no prep games! To keep it more fun for the kiddo's I love seasonal games.
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